Awkwardness of One Night Stand Amplified by Presence of Sheets Mom Purchased in Grade 7
Area White Liberal Finds Solace in Weekly Viewing of “SNL Weekend Update”
“I’m really struggling to read the news lately,” said Dan, a 27 year-old man from Moncton who is in no way adversely affected by anything actually happening in the world right now. “Great that these guys can take such a funny spin on current events. Just comforting to know I’m not alone in all in this.”
Completely Full Tequila Shot on Counter Glaring Indication of Exactly Where Night Went Wrong
Selfie for Instagram Undergoes Rigorous 8-Stage Vetting Procedure
“The photo must pass through a grueling, several-step process before reaching publication,” Erin says while editing her caption to utilize just the right amount of self-deprecation. The photo has reportedly advanced through the demanding initial stages such as “Not Too
Overt Use of a Filter” and “Will this Make My Ex Jealous?”
Feeling of Exhaustion Surprisingly Comforting Emotion for Area Man
“You know, after all that has happened this week, a sense of complete and utter fatigue is actually a welcome development.”
Use of Bitmoji Severely Diminishes Effectiveness of Snapchat Nude
Student Valiantly Declares He Has
“Like 4 Words Written”