Kick off your Sunday shoes and cut loose with Garnet and Gold! Mt. A’s very own musical theatre society will be performing Footloose from January 23 to January 25. As the cast were preparing to hit the stage, I had the pleasure of interviewing actors Paul Ipe and Amy Evans, as well as director Karen Valanne to hear about their experiences and what audience members can expect to see on the stage.
Ipe, a fourth-year honours biochemistry student who stars as Ren, discussed his excitement and anticipation leading up to the show. “I’ve been saying I’m really excited, because after every rehearsal, I’m going to my house to see all my friends, and I’m calling my family and I’m saying ‘This is so awesome,’” said Ipe. The lead is excited for his loved ones to see the scenes come to life on stage and for them to see all of his hard work come to fruition.
If you are looking for a reason to buy a ticket and venture to convocation hall, first-year psychology student and chorus member Evans explained why you should come see Footloose. She highlighted the immense amount of work the cast and crew has been putting in the past few months. “I think people should come see the show because, first of all, the amount of work that […] everybody’s put in,” said Evans. Furthermore, Evans talked about how fun the show is, with the exciting choreography and iconic songs, like “Holding Out for a Hero.” “I think that audiences [..] are going to have a lot of fun if they come. Footloose is a fun musical,” she concluded.
There are several great tunes on the Footloose soundtrack.The cast talked about the ones in particular they are excited for family and friends to see. Both Ipe and Evans agreed that “Still Rockin’” was a fun song, for several different reasons. The upbeat track features the entire cast dancing and singing. Ipe wanted to highlight “Let’s Hear it for The Boy,” praising cast member Henna Matharu’s exemplary vocals and the great choreography.

Director Karen Valanne discussed the Footloose experience as a whole and her role as the director. “I tell everyone when they come to audition that January is very intense. We’re […] here every day. We kind of become one big, happy family.” Valanne further explained the supportive environment of the theatre society: “There’s such a sense of family and there’s such a sense of support within the cast, like someone will perform a song,[…] in the wings, like they cheer and they really support each other, and it’s so intense that it’s it’s such a everything’s a special experience.”
Lastly, Evans discussed the community she has gained through joining the Garnet and Gold Society (G&G). “I’ll take away from this experience, first of all, just how nice and supportive that everyone’s been.” As a first-year student Evans was nervous about how the experience with G&G was going to be. To her relief, she was welcomed with open arms to the G&G community. “Everyone’s been so nice, everyone’s so talented. […] When you’re a part of something so big like this, on how encouraging and stuff people can be and how much better that makes the experience.” Through hearing the testimonials of the supportive community Garnet and Gold has to offer, it is clear they are a family.
If readers of The Argosy are looking to tear up the town this weekend, Garnet and Gold will be presenting Footloose from January 23 to January 25. Tickets are available to buy in advance on Eventbrite or in cash at the door.