The Argosy is the independent student journal of news, arts, culture, opinions, and humour. Our content is written, edited, and funded by the students of Mount Allison University in Sackville, New Brunswick. Established in 1872 by the Eurhetorian Society, The Argosy is one of the oldest official student publications in Canada and one of few student newspapers in Atlantic Canada that continues to be independent and still in print.
The Argosy’s primary objective is to provide the most in-depth, fair, and relevant information for the Mount Allison University and Sackville communities.
The operation of the Argosy would be impossible without our twenty-eight dedicated staff members.
The Argosy also relies heavily upon volunteer contributions. We encourage submissions from all students at Mount Allison. Weekly meetings are held each Thursday at 6PM in the Argosy Office.
The Argosy Office is located on the third floor of the Wallace- McCain Student Centre (Room 386).
All business inquiries can be sent to [email protected].
Material of any form on this website or within the publication is copyrighted 2023 and cannot be reprinted without the consent of the Editors-in-Chief.