The Argosy is located on the third floor of the Wallace-McCain Student Centre (Room 386).

62 York St.
New Brunswick, NB
Canada E4L 1E2
[email protected]
Student contributions in the form of letters, articles, photography, artwork, and comics are welcome. The Argosy reserves the right to edit or refuse all materials deemed sexist, racist, homophobic, or otherwise unfit for print, as determined by the Editor-in-Chiefs.
Articles or other contributions can be sent to [email protected] or directly to a section editor. The Argosy will print unsolicited materials at its own discretion
Letters to the editor must be signed, though names may be withheld at the sender’s request and at The Argosy’s discretion. Anonymous letters will not be printed. The Argosy reserves the right to edit all submissions for clarity, length and Canadian Press Style.