From the archives brings you old news today. As time passes, the news we report on changes, as does the way we report on it. Conversely, we’ve been covering some of the same issues since 1872. While today Aramark holds exclusive vendor’s rights on campus, in 1996 the main players were Marriott Mount Allison and one plucky breadman.
Thurs. Oct. 24, 1996: vol. 126, issue 6.
The selling of Walter Henke’s Bread in the foyer of the Student Union Building has raised some concerns with Vince Smyth, director of administrative services and Marriott, Mount Allison. Smyth told Matt Jonah, who sells the bread, that “they better not be selling bread”, and according to Matt Jonah “it is doubtful that Henke’s bread will be sold in the STUD any longer”.
Smyth told the Argosy that he “has an obligation to the contract of Marriott and that it is being violated” with the selling of Henke’s Bread and that “he doesn’t need a complaint [to follow up]”. He further said that he “will allow a random sale two times a month [or] maybe once a term”, but that “ongoing, day-to-day selling” is a problem that “must be followed up on”.
Mark Henchey, director of Marriott at Mount Allison, said that he himself “[didn’t] have a problem with selling bread [because] Marriott doesn’t sell bread”. Henchey says his concern lies in the legality of the operation. “Does he have a license to sell food, insurance? [Does he] pay GST? … he has no refrigerated area”. Henchey further noted that “everything can be done legally if done properly”.
Walter Henke, who was a full time student last year, told the Argosy that Smyth informed him in September 1995 that he could not sell bread “because Marriott has exclusive rights to sell on campus”. After I talked to Vince [last year], I went to [VP finance] Sharon McFarlane and she gave me completely different reasons. She told me that if there was more room in the STUD, then I could sell bread”. Nevertheless, Henke continued to sell until this year, when Matt was told by both Smyth and Henchey to stop. Instead, Henke, sold the bread to SAC societies, who in turn sold it everyday as a fund-raising venture. Henke has a SAC society rotation and “each society sells for three or four days [and] they keep all the profits they make”, said Henke.
Concerning health matters, Henke stated that “the only health requirements are in the making of the bread, and inspectors have been in twice and I passed both [inspections]”. Henke went on to say that “I have a GST number, but I don’t need to have one in order to sell bread. Nor is it necessary to have a refrigerated area [for] bread. I am a legitimate company.”
For his part, SAC President Brad Proctor said that “[the SAC doesn’t] own this building. If we continue to allow Matt to sell bread we will lose our privilege to sell goods… Our hands are tied”.