Over the past year, I have had the pleasure and challenge of serving as the President of MASU. While there have certainly been obstacles, I come into the final month of my presidency feeling nothing but pride over our accomplishments.
Since coming into office, we have created an online used bookstore, implemented a graduate school preparation program, mandated the executive to work during the summer months, created a goals-based executive accountability system, began the bike co-op, created a landlord fair, provided training to residence staff, initiated the beginnings of a human resource policy, created a union communications strategy, compiled a report on RA compensation, and executed aspects of an external organizational review.
For me personally, I ran on a platform promising internal review, new policies, and improved services. I believe the MASU’s actions this year reflect genuine improvements in those areas and deliver on those promises.
While I would not dispute that there have been naysayers in the choices we have made (the strike certainly provoked debate amongst members) I know all decisions have remained true to the vision of being the “most valuable and meaningful resource for all Mount Allison students in enhancing their quality of life.” Ensuring the very best for Mt. A students has always been, and will always be, the guiding principle of the MASU.
As I leave office, I think it is important to thank everyone who helped make the year a success. My sincerest thanks go to council, all our student staffers and office staffers, and the executive team (who have been more than supportive in everything I have done this year). As Bob Dylan once said, “take care of all your memories … for you cannot relive them.” I will always be thankful for the memories Mt. A students allowed me to have as president. The experience has been life changing and my gratitude is endless.