10 questions you must ask on a first date

Idk I haven’t really been on that many so who knows if this is valuable

It’s a new school year, and with that comes new beginnings. Maybe you’re new to town and looking to meet someone, or maybe you’re trying to step out of your comfort zone. Either way, dating can be hard! I have found the key to securing a second date is avoiding those awkward silences. To help you all out, I have curated a list of questions that will keep the conversation flowing. You’re welcome!

Riley Small – Argosy Illustrator

 1.  What is your major ?

     This gives the other person a low-stress opportunity to tell you about their life! It will also allow you to determine if they are someone you will get along with! For example: If they are in theatre, and you are in literally anything else, I would not set up a second date! Just do not do it!

 2.  What do your parents do?

     This will allow you to determine their parent’s tax bracket. Using available tools online, you can easily look up the average salary for most careers. If you are lucky their parents might have their own Wikipedia page!

 3.  What keeps you up at night?

     This might throw them off, but don’t worry, regardless of their answer you can always respond to your own question and say “Don’t worry, I can keep you up at night;))))).”

 4.  Why did you decide to wear that?

     People love talking about their outfits and style! This will let you know their thought process and what they deem important to express themselves properly.

 5.  What do you want to do after you graduate?

     This will let you know if they want to ever get a real job in the real world or if they want to get their masters and continue prolonging the inevitable.

 6.  Why do you keep bouncing your leg? 

     People love it when you notice the little things! Be sure to point out whatever you notice! Maybe they bounce their leg, or maybe they’re fidgeting with their clothes, either way, let them know you notice the little things <3

 7.  Why would a loving god allow such pain?


 8.  What do you do for fun?

     This helps you guys find common ground! Maybe you have shared interests, or maybe you don’t, either way, that’s okay!

 9.  Do you think the server fucks with me or no?

     This will give them a subtle opportunity to express how they feel about you through the guise of the server’s feelings.

 10.  Do you love me yet?

     It’s important to establish clear communication early on! This opens up a channel for you both to be open and honest about your feelings.

So there you have it, a comprehensive list of questions that will surely keep your date lively and pleasant. Stay safe and have fun!

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