On Saturday mornings, the Sackville Farmers Market is the place to be. From 9 to noon, Bill Johnstone Memorial Park is packed with vendors, selling everything from fresh produce to artisanal soaps. Having only lived off campus for a few months, I hadn’t heard of the market until my roommate brought it up. Two weeks ago, I made my first trip and was instantly hooked.
Founded in 2012, the Sackville Farmers Market is a non-profit organization that prioritizes the promotion of locally produced items that are accessible and affordable. As a student on a budget, being able to support local business while not breaking the bank is a big draw. On my first trip, my roommates and I were able to split the cost of a full dinner, including fresh fish and vegetables.
If the outrageously good prices weren’t enough to keep me coming back, the people behind the businesses would be. Whether it is chatting with the folks at Deus Ex Macina as they brew your coffee or swapping recipes with the folks at Little Shemogue Oyster Company, you are sure to have some delightful conversations.
Most recently, I spoke with Lovejyot from Indian Food Lovers, whose family has been serving food for 6 years. “It was what my family was doing before, they passed it down to us” she said. I was delighted to hear of their long-standing presence in the community. As someone who gets homesick from time to time, it is comforting to know I can find a little taste of home while I am here. This week I tried their veggie wrap, a delicious combination of vegetables paired with paneer and wrapped in fresh roti. Next week, you will likely find me trying the chana masala or samosas.
With the combination of good food and even better people, you can’t go wrong. The Sackville Farmers Market is welcoming to Mt. A students and community members alike. It is furthermore a great way to venture outside the campus and engage with the larger Sackville community. “I like getting to meet a variety of vendors and members of the community,” said second year psychology major, Ella Allen-Tanner. She describes the market as a “great way to learn about community events and support the members and small businesses of Sackville,” and she couldn’t be more right.
I strongly encourage Mt. A students, both on- and off-campus, to visit the market at some point this year. After the past few years of isolation and separation due to COVID-19, the market is a great place for new students, and students like myself who started at Mt. A during the pandemic, to see more of what Sackville has to offer. Whether it is to get your groceries, buy a gift for a loved one or have your morning coffee, the Sackville Farmers Market welcomes us all.