I’m in a vase
A cold blue vase
My vase has varying purposes
It can used to contain humanlike emotions
The virtues and sins all bouncing off each other
However, there is a balance in the chaos.
Peace leads to chaos which inevitably leads to balance.
Over joyous leads to depression
Self-harm leads to control
Control leads to peace.
It is an everlasting Celtic knot.
It became lonely within my vase
No matter how balanced I was
I prematurely kicked the top out and invited it in
I shed my skin to escape the past
And it became my everything
That easy
Without hesitation.
Eloquent beauty speaks wonders to the soul
It can disguise itself under the notion of love
But it wasn’t love, never was.
The sunlight was irresistible
I left my vase carrying my emotions
Which propelled me from the darkness
Into the warmth of the universe.
My new hearth.
A hearth is a kind place of welcoming
Dubiously, I ventured to its side
It warmed my stiff body
I forgot all about my vase
Yet I still felt my blue core slowly beating
I leaned further into the hearth,
Onto the coals with my bare-feet
It warmed me even quicker than before
Naturally, I sat onto the coals
Elixir coursed through my body
As I euphorically sat in my warmth
I noticed one of the coals went out,
Every so often, another went out
Yet the warmth was still there
Now the coals are all out
There is nothing left
Simply the shell of a shape
That fits back into my vase