Sackville police issue community-wide Warning
The Sackville RCMP is investigating 10 thefts that have occurred since July, seven of which took place in the past two weeks. The thefts occurred primarily in the Fawcett Avenue and Lansdowne Street areas of Sackville. Mount Allison students are advised to lock their homes and car doors. The RCMP also suggests that any belongings left outside be secured and that exterior lights be left on overnight. The police believe that those responsible are checking for unlocked locations.
Maritime students take longer to complete first degree
University students in the Maritimes are taking on average 4.6 years to complete their first degree, according to the Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission. The Commission found that 16 per cent of students who switched schools or field of study completed their degree in four years. In contrast, 64 per cent of graduates who remained in the same school and field of study finished in four years. The New Brunswick Student Alliance (NBSA) believes this new information should lead to a change in New Brunswick’s timely completion benefit (TCB), a program that offers debt reduction to students who complete their degree in four years. The NBSA would like the TCB to be offered to students who finish in five years or less.
Record number of moose bagged in annual hunt
Overall moose populations in New Brunswick remain healthy after an annual five-day hunt produced a record number of killings. This year’s hunt ran from Sept. 20 to Sept. 24. 4,952 resident hunting licenses were issued and 3,728 moose were registered to have been killed by the end of the hunt, indicating an 80-per cent success rate for hunters. According to New Brunswick Ministry of Energy and Resource Development, over 61,000 applications were entered into the draw for hunting licences. Next year, the season will revert back to three days, as it was before it was extended to five days in 2014.
Indigenous nations across canada sign treaty against oil sands expansion
Over 50 First Nations at simultaneous gatherings in BC and Quebec signed a historic alliance against the expansion of the tar sands. The document, called the Treaty Alliance Against Tar Sands Expansion, calls for action against the building of pipelines and other proposed infrastructure such as TransCanada’s Energy East pipeline, Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain expansion, Enbridge’s Line 3 pipeline and Enbridge Northern Gateway. The nations see such expansion as a threat to water, land and people.