Hand washing is an easy way we can protect our health during flu season
Fall is here and that means flu season is on its way. With most classes in person now, let’s make sure we’re all washing our hands frequently and properly to keep everyone healthy!
Did you know that hand washing is one of the best ways to prevent colds? Well, it is! It can protect the person who is washing their hands and anyone they encounter from harmful germs.
Some of the most important times to wash your hands include before eating, before touching your face, after class, after using the washroom, and after being outside.
To properly wash your hands, use soap and warm water and scrub your palms, the backs of your hands, between your fingers, the base of your thumbs, under your fingernails, and even your wrists. Then, rinse and dry your hands. This should take about 20 seconds.
Flu vaccines are another important way to keep ourselves and our peers safe and healthy. Flu shots are available off-campus at local pharmacies. All you need to do is call either Jean Coutu Pharmacy (506-536-0230) or Guardian Corner Drug Store Pharmacy (506-536-2255) to book an appointment.
Handwashing and getting your flu shot are simple, but very important ways we can prevent germs from entering our bodies and stay healthy throughout the school year!