A test of resilience and teamwork

The Mount Allison women’s soccer team played Cape Breton University (CBU) this past Sunday, Oct. 21, on Alumni Field. The two teams had not yet faced each other this season, making for a highly anticipated first matchup. The Mounties had celebrated a 3-1 victory against Université de Moncton the week before.
“The win against Moncton was a big deal for our self-confidence as a team,” said head coach Gene Ouellette. “We are dedicated and we execute what we practice.”
The game against CBU started out with an unassisted goal for the Mounties by Katherine Ollerhead. They moved into the second half with a score of 6-1 for CBU. “Playing Cape Breton was a whole different story,” said Ouellette. “They are a team which always runs sizeable deficits in terms of goals.”
Player Amanda Piltzmaker agreed: “We had to play a much more defensive game this time since Cape Breton is known as a high-scoring team. This prevented us from having as many attacks going up the field as we had when we won against Moncton.”
As the team pushed forward, the second half saw another unassisted goal by Piltzmaker, giving the Mounties two goals against CBU’s six-goal count. Piltzmaker also scored two goals for the Mounties in their previous win against Moncton on Oct. 13.
“[The team] didn’t let the score affect how well they played,” said Kosta Petrovic, a spectator. “There was still lots of support from the fans, and the team kept up their efforts.”
Despite all their attempts, the Mounties were not able to come out on top, leaving CBU with an 8-2 victory. “This team is resilient and we recognize when we have a tough opponent,” said Ouellette. “We build on our strengths as we progress and put loses like these behind us. Our team atmosphere is great.”
“We are going to have to focus on attacking and finishing our shots for our next game,” Piltzmaker added. “We are going to need to have more counterattacks prepared in order for us to have more scoring opportunities.”
Heading into their final game of the season, the Mounties will play at the University of New Brunswick next Friday, Oct. 26.