The 2022-23 Argosy staff talks motivation in journalism
I adored National Geographic as a child. I still do. Even before a gifted subscription in my early teen years, our house overflowed with issues of the magazine. The distinctive yellow spine beckoned me, stuffed into corners or slipping off of tabletops.
The people in those stories knew so much. They visited so many places and spoke with such interesting people. They searched for truths in this world, the truths of living and the unexplored ways in which we are all connected. Combined with a passion for the arts, I can now hold a copy of The Argosy and see a realized labor of twofold love: the love of storytelling and of sharing the stories of others who love it too.
That is why being an Arts and Culture Reporter is the perfect place for me. But what about the rest of our team? How do other current staff members of The Argosy view our paper? What motivates their involvement in student journalism?
This year’s staff is composed of students in all years and programs of study: from first to fifth-years in English, political and cognitive science, sociology, fine arts, economics, aviation, and more. “Journalism has always been an interest of mine,” says Grace Tarrant, our veteran News Editor in her fourth year studying political science, Canadian Public Policy and Canadian Studies. “The Argosy seemed to foster a very welcoming and fun environment. […] I quickly learned that my impressions of the atmosphere were accurate. I also really loved the idea of The Argosy being entirely student-run and think it helps to keep the team really strong and engaged.”
The sentiment is echoed across our team. We the youth — telling the stories, the issues, and the triumphs concerning us as they unfold in our communities. “It is so, so necessary,” emphasizes Hannah Lucas, fifth-year drama major and contributor to the paper since the winter of 2020. “I am infinitely grateful for every Monday night pitch meeting, every late night writing, and every person’s story I’ve had the pleasure of sharing.”
Lucas now writes for our Arts and Culture section.“Before working for The Argosy, I would have never considered a career in journalism. It didn’t even cross my mind as an option. Now, I love to tell stories, and if I could make that my livelihood, that would be a dream come true.”
Many of our staff — myself included — hope to pursue a career in storytelling. The importance of a safe space to nurture those skills and grow as writers cannot be understated— and that is what this paper provides. “As a B.Sc. student, you don’t get to write a lot of stories and such,” shares Laura Hubbert, second-year science student and News Reporter, “you’re mostly focused on writing lab reports. I’ve always enjoyed writing stories, so I’m glad that I get to do so every week for The Argosy.”
Tedi Buffett, one of our incredible Arts, Culture, and Creative Co-Editors, was also exposed to a potential future in storytelling with this paper. “I’ve improved my writing, which was my goal going into this job. I have also discovered a love for editing that I didn’t know I had until I got the editor position. I would also say that socially, it has allowed me to meet more people in the Mt. A community and participate in school events that I wouldn’t normally attend. It has made Sackville feel bigger than just the university.”
Now, the title of this article is a bit misleading. Many branches of journalism exist beyond the written word. TV, photojournalism, radio, podcasting — storytelling exists in many mediums. Anabel Donison falls into the second category, the first-year Argosy Photography Editor having discovered a passion for photojournalism while studying abroad in London. “The visual language of photography is a captivating and powerful tool,” she says. “Stories told through photography can bring hidden narratives to light and bring about positive change in the world.”
Donison also expressed her joy in being part of a larger group of photojournalists: “I want to applaud the work of the Argosy photographers I have gotten to work with this year: Kate DesRoches and Kenzie Melanson. They have been so wonderful to work with and are awesome photographers!”
And together, reporters, editors, visual staff, and dedicated managers, we are The Argosy, jovially celebrating a century and a half of student-led journalism. Across the board, there is a collective understanding of the importance of independent journalism led by passionate, involved storytellers. It is our hope to live up to this legacy. Happy 150, Argosy. Here’s to many more.
One Response
One again, dear Maika…I love reading your inspirations, thoughts and ideas; always precise, to the point…artistic without too many frills 😉
Your reference to The National Geographic magazine made me smile…and must make your Pépére Frank very proud !!
Being an 80 yrs old Grand-maman to 4 young adults, I’m profoundly amazed and reassured by the energy and vivacity of your youth…BRAVO ! Happy that your proud Dad Brian shared this article with me…
Grand-aunt Regie (Branch)Michaud