Graham May’s opinion piece in the Oct. 23, 2014 edition of The Argosy (“CAPP has no place at The Walrus Talks”) may have implied that the Discourse and Dynamics: Canadian Women as Public Intellectuals conference was funded by CAPP. That was incorrect. The conference was funded by the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Mount Allison University, and the University of Calgary.
Benjamin Foster’s Oct. 23 run-down of the football team’s recent performance and regular season prospects (“Mounties put up 33 points on X-Men in win”) conflated the St. Francis Xavier University X-Men and the Acadia University Axemen throughout, due to an editorial error. References to the played game and Acadia, including the headline, should have referred to the Axemen – which Foster’s original article had right.
The Argosy apologizes for these and any other errors.
Suspected errors and requests for correction can be brought to the attention of Editor-in-Chief Richard Kent.