Health Matters Society will provide free water bottles at Homecoming
My name is Emilie Comfort and I’m the Mount Allison health intern this year. I am a fourth-year student completing a bachelor of science with a major in psychology and a minor in chemistry. In my position, I work closely with the Wellness Centre’s registered nurse, Cindy Crossman, to increase health consciousness in the Mount Allison community and to encourage healthy living through ongoing awareness, communication and education programming initiatives.
I am very excited to write this column, even though this is my first time writing any sort of article. Health awareness is something that is important to me, and my goal this year is to encourage more students and staff to take charge of and be proactive about their health.
This column will keep students up-to-date with health-related topics relevant to the community. I am hoping to cover conversations such as the legalization of marijuana, safe alcohol consumption, stress management, mental health initiatives on campus and events like the Relay for Life and Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
With Homecoming on Saturday, we at the Wellness Centre want to remind you to be safe if you are planning to use alcohol or other controlled substances.
It is important to remember that just because others around you are consuming alcohol, you shouldn’t feel pressured to do so as well. During Homecoming and always, ensure that you do not pressure others to drink.
This year at Homecoming, the Health Matters Society will be handing out free water bottles to anyone attending the game to promote safe alternative drinking options and hydration. They will be setting up a few water stations around the field, so you can access water without missing any of the game.
Water is a great alternative to alcohol, and also a healthy part of safe drinking. For every glass of alcohol, try to also have one glass of water. This can help prevent dehydration and reduce the severity of tomorrow’s hangover. Stay safe, healthy and hydrated this weekend!