Degree: Bachelor of Arts, Double Major in Psychology and Commerce
Grad Year: 2024
Hometown: Moncton, New Brunswick
My favourite experience on exchange:
Experiencing the holiday season in London, England was my favourite experience. I loved being able to see the Christmas lights in London on my birthday, It was also really special to visit an outdoor Christmas market and get together for a Christmas dinner with friends before we went home. It was very special to me.
Something different or surprising I experienced:
The school system. I did not know what to expect going into it, and was very surprised to find out I had no midterms because they do all their exams in July. I was also used to having midterms throughout the semester at Mt. A, but at my exchange university nothing was due until the final month of school. Another thing that surprised me, was being told by a friend I had met, who was from Dubai, that she felt she was becoming more cultured by knowing me. This was because we did many activities together that I grew up doing, like carving pumpkins. She had never done that before. I expected to learn lots from those I met abroad but I did not think about the ways I could influence them as well.
Words of advice:
My words of advice to any student considering an exchange would be: just do it! I know an exchange can seem scary, but you will find your way through it and get to see and do so many amazing things. It is a great opportunity that should be taken advantage of. I would also say to get involved in as many things as you can. It is a great way to meet people and to try new things!
Why I would recommend it:
I would recommend going on an exchange because it is a great opportunity to learn more about the country where you are studying, meet all kinds of great people from around the world, try new and unique things, and experience life abroad while still contributing to your degree at Mt. A.
In collaboration with Mt. A’s International Centre. Edited by The Argosy.