Students and town residents participate in relay for cancer research

Over $17,500 raised for the Canadian Cancer Society at the 15th annual Sackville Relay for Life

Live music and dance routines animated the academic quad last Friday, Oct. 13. Over 100 university students and town members gathered in front of the campus library to take part in Sackville’s Relay for Life. The relay is a fundraising and awareness event to remember those we have lost and those who are still fighting battles against cancer.

This year marks the fifteenth annual Sackville Relay for Life and the event’s first ever 5K fundraiser run. Participants warmed up for the activities with dance routines led by Mt. A’s varsity dance team. Musical performances by students followed, including Mt. A’s pep band, the cast of NO MISSTAKES and award-winning hip-hop artist Wolf Castle. Local artists RA Lautenschlager and the Terrio Sisters also played. Ontario-based band Formed Ability, with Mt. A alumnus Odum Abekah, flew here for the event.

By the end of the evening, just under $18,000 was raised, which has been donated to the Canadian Cancer society for cancer research and supportive services for cancer patients.


Emma Doucette

Why are you running?

“My family has a lot of cancer in its history, with three grandparents, three great grandparents, and aunts and uncles too.”  

Why do you think this event is important?

“Raises awareness, raises money, to find the cure.”



Tara Stokes

Why are you running?

“I’m running because my sister just received news that she’s in remission of stage four ovarian cancer, so I’m supporting her as well as my aunt who was a survivor years ago”

Why do you think this event is important?

“It’s really important to raise awareness for cancer and to celebrate all the survivors because of what they had to go through”


Allen’s speech for Cathy, his wife.

“Cathy had a plaque at home, and she lived by it each and everyday, and I quote ‘Success is making a difference to the lives of others. Happiness is watching them grow because of it. Make a difference.’”




The Drew Crew

Why are you running?

“We get together as a group from the Drew, and it started off as in memory of one of our co-workers that had past away and it just continued on since”

Why do you think this event is important?

“To raise money for cancer research “

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